How to Format Numbers in JavaScript

How to Format Numbers in JavaScript

Step 1: Understanding the Task

Before coding, understand the format requirements:

  1. Numbers should have exactly 8 digits before the decimal.
  2. The decimal part is optional but can have 1 to 4 digits.


  • Valid: 12345678, 12345678.12, 12345678.1234
  • Invalid: 12345678.12345, 123456789

Step 2: Create an Input Field

Start by creating an input field in your HTML where users can enter numbers:

    placeholder="Enter 8 digits or 8.1234"
<button id="formatButton">Format</button>
<p id="output"></p>

Step 3: Write JavaScript for Validation

Add validation to ensure the input meets the format requirements.

document.getElementById('formatButton').addEventListener('click', function () {
    const input = document.getElementById('numberInput').value;
    const output = document.getElementById('output');

    const regex = /^\d{8}(\.\d{1,4})?$/;

    if (regex.test(input)) {
        output.textContent = `Valid format: ${input}`; = 'green';
    } else {
        output.textContent = 'Invalid format. Please enter 8 digits or 8 digits with up to 4 decimals.'; = 'red';

Step 4: Format the Input

If the input is valid, you can format it to always display as 12345678.1234:

function formatToFixed(value) {
    const [wholePart, decimalPart] = value.split('.');
    const formattedDecimal = (decimalPart || '').padEnd(4, '0').slice(0, 4);
    return `${wholePart}.${formattedDecimal}`;

document.getElementById('formatButton').addEventListener('click', function () {
    const input = document.getElementById('numberInput').value;
    const output = document.getElementById('output');

    const regex = /^\d{8}(\.\d{1,4})?$/;

    if (regex.test(input)) {
        output.textContent = `Formatted number: ${formatToFixed(input)}`; = 'green';
    } else {
        output.textContent = 'Invalid format. Please enter 8 digits or 8 digits with up to 4 decimals.'; = 'red';

Step 5: Testing

  • Test the input with various cases, such as 12345678, 12345678.1, 12345678.1234, and invalid inputs like 12345678.12345.

Test Cases

Input Valid Reason
12345678 Matches 8 digits.
12345678.12 Matches 8 digits with 2 decimals.
12345678.1234 Matches 8 digits with 4 decimals.
12345678.12345 Decimal part exceeds 4 digits.
123456789 More than 8 digits before the decimal.
1234567.12 Less than 8 digits before the decimal.
.1234 Missing 8 digits before the decimal.

This ensures strict adherence to the specified format while providing user-friendly validation.

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