How to get full URL in Laravel

How to get full URL in Laravel

In Laravel development, retrieving the full URL of a page is a common requirement for various purposes such as generating dynamic links, handling redirects, or building SEO-friendly applications. While it might seem like a straightforward task, there are multiple approaches to achieving this goal within the Laravel framework. In this guide, we will explore different methods to get the full URL in Laravel effortlessly.

Using the Request Object: One of the simplest ways to obtain the full URL in Laravel is by utilizing the Request object. Laravel's Request object provides a convenient method called url() that returns the full URL including the scheme and path. Here's how you can use it:

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

public function example(Request $request)
    $fullUrl = $request->url();
    return $fullUrl;

This method is efficient and does not require any additional configuration.

Using URL Helper Function: Laravel provides a set of helper functions that simplify common tasks. The url() helper function can be used to generate URLs or retrieve the current URL. When called without any arguments, it returns the full URL of the current request. Here's how you can use it:

public function example()
    $fullUrl = url()->current();
    return $fullUrl;

This method is concise and easy to remember.

Generating Absolute URLs: If you need to generate absolute URLs for a specific route or path, Laravel's route() and asset() helper functions can be handy. The route() function generates a URL for the specified route name, while the asset() function generates a URL for an asset such as CSS, JavaScript, or image files. Both functions return absolute URLs. Here's an example:

public function example()
    $absoluteUrl = route('');
    $assetUrl = asset('css/style.css');
    return [$absoluteUrl, $assetUrl];

These helper functions are versatile and allow for dynamic URL generation.

Using the URL Facade: Laravel's URL facade provides a convenient way to work with URLs. You can use the URL::current() method to retrieve the current URL or URL::full() to get the full URL including query parameters. Here's how you can use the URL facade:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL;

public function example()
    $currentUrl = URL::current();
    $fullUrlWithQueryParams = URL::full();
    return [$currentUrl, $fullUrlWithQueryParams];

At a glance see full methods:

// Get the current URL without the query string...

echo url()->current();

// Get the current URL including the query string...

echo url()->full();

// Get the full URL for the previous request...

echo url()->previous();

This approach provides flexibility and control over URL manipulation.

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