How to get All Column Name from a table using Laravel

How to get All Column Name from a table using Laravel

In this article, I am showing how to get all column names with column types using laravel. Also sharing other ways too.

Example: 1
Schema Facade
// Using Schema Facade

$columns = \Schema::getColumnListing("users");





Example: 2 

Using Raw Query

// SQL raw query will return all column names
$query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table_name";
$data['columns'] = \DB::select($query);

#Output - 2

  "columns": [
      "Field": "id",
      "Type": "bigint unsigned",
      "Null": "NO",
      "Key": "PRI",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": "auto_increment"
      "Field": "role_id",
      "Type": "bigint unsigned",
      "Null": "NO",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": "3",
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "username",
      "Type": "varchar(191)",
      "Null": "NO",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "email",
      "Type": "varchar(191)",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "phone",
      "Type": "varchar(191)",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "image",
      "Type": "varchar(191)",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "social_provider",
      "Type": "varchar(191)",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "password",
      "Type": "varchar(191)",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "password_reset_token",
      "Type": "varchar(191)",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "status",
      "Type": "tinyint",
      "Null": "NO",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": "1",
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "remember_token",
      "Type": "varchar(100)",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "created_at",
      "Type": "timestamp",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""
      "Field": "updated_at",
      "Type": "timestamp",
      "Null": "YES",
      "Key": "",
      "Default": null,
      "Extra": ""


Another way to get columns using DB Schema Facade

// Through DB Facade
$columns = \DB::getSchemaBuilder()->getColumnListing("users");
// or
$columns = \DB::connection()->getSchemaBuilder()->getColumnListing("users");

Hope, this will help you to get all columns. Thank you for your time.

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